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Rabbit mini game very difficult has decorate where to click

Minigames are easy

How customisable is the protagonist?

(1 edit) (+4)

I'd love to play but all the buttons have annoyingly small hit boxes where I'm unable to even hit start game despite hitting the start game multiple times. 

Kind of annoying and i haven't gotten past start.

Editing to add, I'm sure it's a good game so I'm not going to give a star rating until this can be fixed and i can actually play since i know game developing is tough, and adding a good story and art is also tough so i don't want to ruin the potential of the game.


Hello there, а теперь… ни слова по-английски :)

Интересная история с не менее интересными персонажами. Очень приятно читать о размышлениях главного героя, его рассказах о прошлом, детстве (отдельная благодарность за Итана, очень вкусно читалось). На русском новелла читается более живее и красочнее (что не удивительно, русский очень подходит при описании всего, что тут твориться). Персонажи – просто секс (белый шоколад навсегда в моём сердце).

Теперь к небольшим очепяткам:

Во время пути Гунна он говорит: «Выздоравливает в городе. Рон позабориТся о ней».

Во время пути Рона действия «Оказать сотрудничество» и «Не оказывать сотрудничества» перепутаны местами (в английской версии всё правильно)

Спасибо за вашу проделанную работу, продолжайте в том же духе, ру-комьюнити следит за вами!


Really well written. Got to lay with Gunn and I ended up wanting more. I really like the background music as well.

It's bound to happen

you forgot a space XD

'my liver tremblesunpleasantly,....'
took me a while , at first i thought it was 1 word and was like , what the hell is that suppose to mean XD , i even tried googling it before i realised....
'trembles unpleasantly'

Game won't let me remove the keyboard after placing in name please help

if you play on android, then just click a second time on the window with the name

(1 edit)

What are those philosophy meaning when car traveling and chatting with Ethan in the game? Sorry that I don't get it, they are incomprehensible to me...


Post apocalyptic gay romance, burly manly characters, 10/10 would recommend this game. Take all the time you need, I never lost hope on this project.

Anyone on mobile having problems with the name, I found that if you just click on the name box after you type it in, it might look like the name is gone, but it makes the keyboard go down. Plus, when you start your adventure, you still have your name. Good luck! ° ͜ʖ ͡ -

This bug has been fixed, and a fixed version will be released this weekend. Thank you for message.

If anyone else encounters this error: "UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 96-100: ordinal not in range(128)"

This can be fixed by altering line 275 of the '' file (in the renpy folder of the game's files) from:

if os.path.isdir(dir + "/" + i):


if os.path.isdir((dir + "/" + i).encode('utf-8')):

Not sure if this is necessary, but I also deleted the 'loader.pyo' file to ensure it would be overwritten by the altered '' file. 


can you date the guys in this game or is are they just meant to be friends?

The game has two mini games, one that has to shoot the enemies and the other the rabbit, both at the end of the game.

I got to the part where u fight the bunny, Do you lose no matter what? I get all the buttons before the time limit. I still end up beaten with the headache 

I got to the rabbit part where you have to hit with the attacks but for me this is very difficult it would be better without the time because it makes it too difficult and it's never right when you click

This system works correctly.

I have an issues with the name writing for mobile whenever i type the name for my character the keyboard doesnt go down and the start button doesnt work so i only press start button and never write my custom name

The bug has been fixed, I also increased the arrows for selecting characteristics, now they are easier to hit.

Im having a big issue in the minigame where u have to shot the bandits in the motel on phone or at least for me it is imposible to complete, the sight of the rifle stands in the last place i taped and basicly doesnt move and just apears and disapears like crazy, i managed to only shot one and then the shigt just disapeard and i got the death scene cause i couldnt complete it

This just makes the game imposible to continue on android yall should fix this as soon as posible

yes, I have already received feedback on this bug, thank you very much, in the next update we will fix it

Could you tell me what version of android you have. I checked, everything plays smoothly for me (android 11), the sight does not go to the side if you remove your finger from the screen (later I will post the video and Development log with the update to the android). There is a problem with small targets, I will try to add zoom. Also, I have already added extra time to complete this game.

mine should be 10

Hey whit the bug fix the left side of the sight works fine but if i move it to the right it gets stuck i still cant complete the minigame help

Please don't take this the wrong way but there has been alot of mixed messages so I have to ask, is this VN still alive?


yes, updated 2 days ago

(3 edits) (+3)

My hope on you never faltered Hroft32! I was checking on here at least twice per week for almost a year, and I'm glad I kept doing it! Oh man it feels like xtmas came early this year!


OMG it's an update!

I hope new version will releases soon.

I really liked the story. It is a pity that it was abandoned. I want to cry. And yes, thanks for the Russian language anyway. Очень благодарен. Надеюсь что проект возобновится. Буду ждать и надеется.

Hm... Is there any way for the Android version to not have the mouse click/cursor in it? It seems to prevent me from progressing from the character creation page.


dead project

Deleted 3 years ago

The game is stil alive.

Source :

Deleted 3 years ago

I just wanna question before i download it; even thought it only has 2 updates, is it very long, because i like a long story


Currently it is a pretty average story length for how many updates it has. Which is actually pretty good considering how few people have helped create it.

Hi! Sorry to bother you with this but... Can I ask something? Is there any NSFW scenes? Because it's kinda my cup of tea...


Dude, it literally says in the game description 'Attention! Game rating 18+, contains adult (M/M) content', so yes, there obviously will be.


is this project dead? idk but the story really impress.. hope you can keep your work :) 

I was wondering if the project was still ongoing I understand if you need time but it's 5 months already i mean at least a devlog to know if you are still alive :/

Whats happened to this dev first max now this amazing guy too they all leave holes in our hearts that can be filled


He is still alive. He spends a lot of time online on Discord (maybe in background of his computer, idk.) I could message him if I had to about things on there, though I am pretty sure he is still working on it slowly. I think it is a solo project mostly and I know that is a difficult thing to do as I am trying to make a VN myself...

Good, and I hope he know that everyone that loves his vn is missing and worried about him so when you can send our live to him thx ❤︎

Oooh i was wondering why there wasnt many devlogs

Also interested in the Vn your trying to make

Do you have a title for it?


Valenviox.  However it is yet to be even with a first build. Still working on the story let alone the art. My VN is gonna be a team project between me and 2 friends, but one is dealing with school in Malaysia, one lives in Indonesia, and then I (the one doing code) am in the US so it makes things complicated. 


oof that sounds tough

Still pretty cool that you're developing one

I bet it will be great 

I'm on android and I literally can't start the game.  Is there something specific you have to do? I allocated points and picked a name.  Also anytime I try to get rid of the key board after typing a name, it immediately comes back up. Really looking forward to this game! Thanks for working so hard on it!

OWO I hope it continues!






Hey Hroft32, any idea when the next update might happen? Or even a log on the progress of it? I still really love the story and the characters, so I am hoping that it is soon, but I know it is hard to make a vn, especially on your own, so I don't wanna be inpatient. 

Okay how 2 fight? cuz i am fighting a damn wolf and no matter what i did it aways punch me dead

I'm playing on Android, for some reason it's not letting me past the character creation.

i had the same problem, and i found out you can pass it by not inserting a name

I tried that but it wasn't letting me continue 😅


Hey there,

just wanted to say thanks for your work, I really enjoy playing your game!  ^__^

One thing is giving me a hard time though (I might be just too stupid to see a solution here but want to ask anyway): Is there a way to switch auto-forward on and off?  Ô.ò

Thanks for reading and sharing, keep it up!  : 3


I am absolutely in love with the art style, world building and character development of this game, it's one of the few furry vn where I can say I'm attracted to all of the characters, sadly... this project is taking too much time to complete, I just hope it doesn't get abandoned

(1 edit) (+1)

Честно, очень неплохая игра, но есть две важные ремарки... 

Во-первых, это очень напоминает В101 по визуальному эффекту.  И в том романе тоже был русский язык (возможно, с переводчика, но я бы усомнился, что онлайн-переводчик делает так много ошибок). 

Во-вторых... автор, родной мой, не уродуй, пожалуйста, русский язык. В тексте много красивых оборотов, но с ними нельзя перебарщивать. Текст драматичный, но иногда кроме смеха и возмущения он ничего больше не вызывает. Если это перевод с английского человеком, не знающим русский, то я снимаю шляпу. А если автор русский, то лучше найти редактора, который вычистит текст от излишеств. 

Это всё не из-за какого-то пренебрежения. Просто очень хочется, чтобы роман держал уровень во всём. Удачи в написании!

согласен,игра не плохая .и я не думал что найду тут Русских

👍nice game, when is the full version coming?


I think not very soon. I think one of these days I will post a topic with progress. But in short, the fourth game day has already been written in half (since the division will be into 2 completely different days, depending on the choice of the companion). Made 2 new characters (but without emotions), another one is required. Made a new background and new music. But one more background is required. And there will also be a delay due to the translation of the text, but after writing the second half to the end)


I spent a lot of time animation the game characters, but trying to implement them into the game was not successful. Perhaps it will work out in the future.

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